T581 - Free To Be Me

T581 - Free To Be Me


T581 - Free To Be Me

Out of all the infinite possibilities,
Be you.

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The Equinox Collection 2022

With the autumn season officially upon us, Sid has surprised us with three new pieces that are a must-have this season!

With the mysteries that lay within 'Artistry' comes an ode to the ancient wisdom that spiders possess. As the leaves begin to change and fall, the time for gathering begins with traditions to uphold and moments of gratitude to ponder upon. Lastly, the anticipation of the new year comes a rush to create resolutions and start fresh. Sid’s newest rendition of ‘Free To Be Me’ serves as a reminder that one can experience infinite freedom simply by being true to themselves.

T591 - Bundle of Joy

T591 - Bundle of Joy


T287 - Fabled Bird

T553-Fearless_Wanderer-FRONT.png T553-Fearless_Wanderer-ANGLE.png

T553 - Fearless Wanderer


T512 - Seahorse

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T519 - Blessed
