246 - Fair Winds

246 - Fair Winds


Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. — Rumi

Artist Statement

Inevitably, at some point in our lives, situations and circumstances are out of our control. The forces of nature direct the course of events beyond our forecasts, and we are surprised by the unexpected. This is true in every aspect of our lives - in our parenting, our friendships, our work, our travels, and within ourselves. This quote by Rumi is beautifully shown through the dandelion, which holds onto its seeds until it is time to release control, and hope for fair winds to carry its creations to fertile soil.

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275 From the Heart-Left.PNG 275 From the Heart front.PNG

275 - From the Heart

270 left ds.png 270 front ds.png

270 - Meander

048_left.png 048_front.png

048 - Bubbly

1+Drive+Left.png 1+Drive+Front.png

253 - Drive

229_left.png 229_front.png

229 - Fresh Ride
