229 - Fresh Ride

229 - Fresh Ride


My favorite thing to do is to go where I've never been. — Diane Arbus

Artist Statement

There is a distinct difference between traveling and a vacation. A vacation is intended for relaxation, a respite from the daily grind, usually spent lazily under the sun, or at a dock, or in a recurring family cabin. While vacations sometimes mean wrangling the kids in the car and result in wanting a vacation FROM the vacation, traveling means intentional pushing. Whether alone, alongside a friend, or with family, it often means going someplace never visited before. There is at least some stress in the planning, and a little trepidation in the uncertainty because it's a new place and unfamiliar territory. It's not for the faint of heart. Loving traveling means adopting that uncertainty, and being open to whatever comes your way. Choosing to travel is like riding a bike along cobblestone streets, feeling the handlebars rattle as if they're asking, "What in the world are we doing?" while you navigate new avenues with a hazy idea of a destination in mind, unsure of the terrain, but enjoying the view.

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290 - Frosty

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274 - Flourish

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235 - Aspire

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083 - Thanks

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258 - Fireside
