215 - Sancerre

215 - Sancerre


What matters more than the wine is the moment and the friends with whom our wine is shared. — Olivier Magny

Artist Statement

A recurring vision about what it means to connect to others comes to mind in quiet moments. It's a visual snapshot, a living, breathing, laughing capture of a singular time, one we've had at some point, an experience that differs in style, but not in kind. It's on a patio, in a backyard, around a campfire, at a dining table. Someone stands up halfway, laughing at the latest funny story told round the circle, and asks you, "Would you like another glass?" It doesn't matter what's in the bottle, pitcher, jug, or decanter... you look up into their face, committing the moment of connection with those you love to memory, and say, "yes."

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259 - Familia

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151 - Shaken

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252 - Tack

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266 - Cherish

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251 - American Heroes
