083 - Thanks

083 - Thanks


People may forget what you said and forget what you did but they will always remember how you made them feel. — Maya Angelou

Artist Statement

This quote comes to mind often when considering the significance of relationships. Over the course of your life, people enter and exit, and you may know hundreds or thousands of people over a lifetime. It is easy to lose track of people you've known and the things they have said, but when you know someone who has made a great impact upon your life, it's usually not something they said to you or did for you that comes to mind... it's the feeling you had while in their presence. That feeling is unforgettable.

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283 - LlewLlew 283 front.PNG

283 - LlewLlew

288 - Heartstrings IMG-7965.jpg

288 - Heartstrings

185_left.png 185_front.png

185 - In the Moment

214_left.png 214_front.png

214 - Cue Up

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257 - Perfect
