232 - Incandescent

232 - Incandescent


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If your curiosity could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world. — Nikola Tesla

Artist Statement

During the span of his life, Nikola Tesla's inquisitiveness and seemingly harebrained ideas lead to inventions that exceeded historical expectations. In the late 19th Century, Tesla devised the initial inventions of radio, radar, x-rays, hydroelectric power, among many more. His dedication to discovery was unparalleled. He solved problems before we as a society knew they existed. A man out of time, he was the embodiment of an inventor looking to create for the betterment of the world, rather than the enrichment of his pocket. Now, in this age of entrepreneurship and self-dedication, we can benefit from his inventions, and become inspired by the noble principles of this tenacious pioneer.

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