113 - Entwined

113 - Entwined


"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle

This quote, based on mythology by Aristotle's famed mentor Plato, is poignant and powerful. The story goes that humans were originally made with four arms, four legs and were half male and half female. After conspiring to climb Mount Olympus, Zeus ordered them cut in half. Since that day, every human spends their life searching for their other half. This tile, with its striking contrasts of light and dark trunk and branches, is an expression of wholeness when the other half is found.This quote, based on mythology by Aristotle's famed mentor Plato, is poignant and powerful. The story goes that humans were originally made with four arms, four legs and were half male and half female. After conspiring to climb Mount Olympus, Zeus ordered them cut in half. Since that day, every human spends their life searching for their other half. This tile, with its striking contrasts of light and dark trunk and branches, is an expression of wholeness when the other half is found.

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212 - Pop!

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245 - Our Beat

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060 - Masterpiece

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230 - Euphony

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244 - Yuletide
