"It's okay to feel a little strange about it.
We’ve all been cooped up for quite some time now.
But it's time to carry on, to grow and see the world again.
Safely of course, but it’s time.
The beauty of this world has been all around us, waiting on us to emerge again.
Each Spring feels like a new beginning, a new offering of things to come and possibilities to hold. So go, see the ones that you love. Hold them in your arms.
Embrace them like you mean it.
Soak the love up and feel the sunshine on your face.
Know that with love all things are possible.
Let this be the year of hope and peace; with each other, with our lives,
with the changes that are sure to come.
Join us this year: Spreading love, joy, hope and positivity through Spiritiles.
Keep moving forward and keep spreading joy. "
The Houston Llew Spring Forward Spiritiles are $149
A complimentary California Tile Hanger with each purchase.
Reserve your tile with a $75 deposit.
When your Memory Block comes in we will contact you and you’ll pay the remaining $74
Shipping begins in May.